Washing your ATV or UTV and choosing a product can be overwhelming with the selection at retail stores. Generally we've found that you get what you pay for in this category. We've tried lots of products and have found a combination of cleaning products that not only make the job easier, but also produce professional results. This article will show you how to clean and wash you're ATV.
Now remember we are not affiliated with the companies that produce these products, but when we find things that work we pass it along.
Watch the process here.
1. De-greaser: Auto Magic Red Hot (#51)
2. Wash: Auto Magic Wash and Wax (#56)
3. Shine: Auto Magic Magic Dressing (#33)
4. Aluminum Cleaner: Purple Power Aluminum Brightener

Doing this process will result in a professional detailed look for your ATV and should be done at least once a year to ensure it maintains top value. Begin by gathering up the cleaning products and remember your first deep cleaning will be the hardest and those after will become easier. Begin by knocking all the mud off the plastics and under the fenders. Use a fanning motion with the pressure washer at at least a foot distance from the atv to ensure no decals are removed and water doesn't penetrate seals. This is a good time to remove any front plastic that impedes a direct spray flush of the radiator. Once all debris is off or loosened spray the entire quad down with degreaser and just before it dries wash it off. Depending on the condition of your ATV this may have to be done twice. Next support the ATV on jack stands and remove the tires and wheels. Again, knock any dirt off the areas where gunk may have collected over the years. Next pick an area with aluminum (motor, hubs, brake calibers, front or rear diff and apply the Aluminum Cleaner. Let it sit for 10-15 seconds and wash off, if its left on to long it will dull the aluminum. This may have to be done two to three times to get the premium results. Once all aluminum has been cleaned. Wash and scrub the entire ATV with the Wash and Wax, this step will keep fish eyes from developing while the ATV dries and the wax in the wash is a great conditioner for the powder coated frame. Let your ATV dry in the sun or speed the process up by blowing off with a leaf blower. To complete the process put your ATV in the sun and the plastics will warm up making them accept the dressing much better. Spray Magic Dressing over the entire ATV very liberally and let it bake in the sun for couple hours. Take a rag and remove any pooling or excessive dressing and you're done!